Identity managment services

Maxium Protection For a Lifetime Of Risk

Every stage of life introduces new fraud and identity theft-related risks. Attending college. Getting married. Buying a home. Retiring. To reduce risks, you and your family may want

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Child Risk

Protect your children from identity theft and related fraud that can undetected fro years by getting assistance now.

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Relocation Risk

Safeguard your identity when you’re on the move. Make sure sensitive information travels safely with you — and that all your providers have your new mailing address.

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Relationship Identity Support

When relationship statuses change, navigate name-change requirements and creditor notifications for marriage, divorce, and separation with our assistance.

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Military Risk

Protect your identity and credit with active-duty military fraud alerts on your accounts when defending our nation abroad.

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Travel Risk

eplace lost or stolen identification, passports, visas, and other documents with our help no matter where you are in the world.

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Disaster Identity Support

After a natural disaster, replace IDs and documents, access financial institutions, and communicate with family, friends, or providers with our help.

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External Breach Support

Get support when your personal information is exposed by an employer, retailer, or any other third-party organization.

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System Protection Support

Receive assistance before and after a personal computing device, such as a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, is compromised.

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Email Identity Support

Helps thwart, detect, and recover from email hacking that can lead to fraud. Plus, we help manage your identity and privacy in online communications.

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Social Media Identity Support

Manage your family’s reputation on social networks — and protect their identities and credit — with help from our fraud experts.

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Phish Assist

Fight phishing scams that entice you to divulge personal data. Draw on our detection and recovery support to stay secure.

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Assisted Living Identity Support

Receieve guidance for power of attorney and legal guardianship matters to assist with identity management and fraud resolution.

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Estate Identity Support

Preserve the identity and memory of deceased family members should their identifying information ever be misused.

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Document Replacement

Replace lost, stolen, or destroyed documents and identification, and get our help notifying government agencies and providers.

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Financial Identity Theft

Regain financial stability after thieves take over existing financial accounts or open new accounts and run up debt in your name.

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Tax Identity Theft

Protect your identifying information after criminals use it to file a false return or steal your refund.

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Utility Identity Theft

We help you untangle difficult-to-resolve identity theft used for public services, power bills, and more.

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Payday Loan Identity Theft

Recover your credit and good name with our assistance after criminals use your information to take out high-interest loans and then stick you with the bill.

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Government Benefits Identity Theft

Helps safeguard government benefits from thieves who can disrupt your life by depleting unemployment, child support, or Social Security benefits.

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Medical Identity Theft:

Restore your medical history and benefits after fraud to help protect your physical and financial well-being.

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Employment Identity Theft Support

Restore your identity after criminals use your personal information for employment, which can lead to fraudulent tax and medical issues.

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Criminal Identity Theft

Restore your good name and successfully interact with government agencies when your identity is falsely linked to a crime.

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Mortgage Identity Theft

Protect your credit, equity, and above all, your home from a crime that can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars lost.

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Debt Tagging

Recover your good name after your financial information is incorrectly linked to another person’s outstanding debt.

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Financial Fraud

Clear up unauthorized activity on accounts and restore your credit with help from a CyberScout fraud specialist.


Frequently Asked Questions

Your Trusted Partner in Data Protection with Cutting-Edge Solutions for
Comprehensive Data Security.

If you receive a suspicious email, do not click on any links or download attachments. Verify the sender’s email address and look for signs of phishing, such as misspellings or unusual requests. If in doubt, contact the sender directly using a known, trusted method of communication. Report the email to your IT department or email provider.
Receiving a suspicious email? Don’t click on links or download attachments. Verify the sender’s email address and look for phishing signs, like misspellings or strange requests. If uncertain, reach out to the sender directly via a trusted method. Report it to your IT department or email provider.
When you get a suspicious email, don’t click any links or download attachments. Verify the sender’s email address and look for phishing signs, such as misspellings or strange requests. If uncertain, contact the sender using a reliable method. Report the email to your IT department or email provider.
If you receive a suspicious email, do not click on any links or download attachments. Verify the sender’s email address and look for signs of phishing, such as misspellings or unusual requests. If in doubt, contact the sender directly using a known, trusted method of communication. Report the email to your IT department or email provider.
Received a suspicious email? Refrain from clicking any links or downloading attachments. Verify the sender’s email and check for phishing signs, like misspellings or odd requests. If unsure, contact the sender via a trusted method. Report the email to your IT department or email provider.
If a suspicious email arrives, do not click on links or download attachments. Verify the sender’s email address and look for phishing signs, such as typos or unusual requests. If unsure, contact the sender directly using a trusted method. Report the email to your IT department or email provider.
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Secure your household for a $1 a day

Protect your entire household’s identity with Beekeeper’s Cyberman365. We offer a comprehensive solution that includes ID restoration support, identity theft insurance, and more. Get started today for just $1 a day.

Protect Your Household Now